Sunday, 22 May 2011

Season 18 Scarf - update

The season 18 scarf is now half way completed. The main problem that I have experienced is to do with running out of yarn in the middle of a line. If this happens to your own project, and you do not wish to have yarn 'tails' showing through at all, here is what you can do.

Take the yarn that is left behind and leave it hanging out while you complete a few more lines of knitting. This is to ensure that the lines above give the knitting more structure for the tails to be embedded into.

When ready, use a needle or some poking device and gently weave the tail of the loose yarn back into the knitted line it is part of. This would then in effect hide the tail and have no need for knots or unsightly yarn ends. I believe there is also a way to crochet these tails in, but that is something which I have yet to learn myself.

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