Sunday, 3 June 2012

Review Collectormania 18 - 2nd June 2012 Milton Keynes

Review Collectormania 18 -  2nd June 2012 Milton Keynes

The Forth Doctor Travels, our son Conan and I took 2.5 hours travel time from our home in Dorset, we arrive just after 9am to the stadium.  There was a massive queue already but thankfully it was moving quickly.

As we entered, we saw lines of guest tables and further inwards were the traders. The atmosphere was wonderful. There were so many people in all sorts of costume. They ranged from Doctor Who, River Song, Amy Pond, Clockwork Orange, Spider Man, Daleks (from the Charity Dalek Squad and other sources), Cybermen, R2D2, Power Rangers, Legend of the Seeker and other Super heroes.

I was dressed again in my Romana 1 purple costume and my husband was dressed in his season 16 Tom Baker.

We wanted to meet ten guests but because of the sheer amount of people, we could only see about five of them. We queued three times to meet up with Peter Davidson, but as we came into view of his table, they had to close. This was very frustrating for us. Peter obviously felt for us as he apologised for the closure.

Our son Conan had a photo and a signed photo with Jason Momoa, who played the latest Conan. Even though there were ‘no posed photos allowed’, Jason very kindly allowed Conan to have his one done. It is Conan’s first birthday next week and it was a lovely birthday prezzy for him, even though he didn’t understand what was going on.
When I asked Jason about his fitness to become Conan, it was a 6 weeks intensive training for 6 hours a day. Something he said he would not want to do again. It sounds like that is the one and only Conan film he will be doing sadly.

Meeting up with Katy Manning was an absolute dream. She is still as wacky and lovable as ever. She had all the time in the world for her fans and wanted to bounce Conan on her knee, which we were all too pleased to oblige her.

Katy even wore my hat for a photo :)

Wendy Padbury was looking very well and still recognisable as an early Doctors companion.

David Banks was an unexpected treat. I spent quite a long time chatting with him about his Cyberman days and with him as an actor. He loves purple and so instantly got chatting to me when he was free.

Tom Baker, ever the Doctor was smiling and wide eyed as usual. A little snippet of history -  it was his idea for the jelly babies.

We couldn’t talk to Sylvester as the queueing generally took about an hour for each guest.

It was a shame I couldn’t talk to Brian Blessed or Karen Gillan. Again too many people.

In the dealer’s room, there was a chap who had the BBC rights to sell Tardis Wallpaper. 3DEffect (  is the name of the site if anyone is interested. Please visit his site and mention that you found it via this blog.

Louise Jameson sat next to Katy Manning and had a lot of people queueing for her too.  She still looks good and had time to speak to everyone she could, giving the time restraints.

By the end of the day, my feet were literally bleeding because of the thin soled high heeled shoes I was wearing.

Overall a great day.

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